Supporting IBCD
Your generosity makes a difference
IBCD is a supported entirely from the donations of our visitors and members. We do not receive any funds from the German church tax as most churches in this country do.
You can support IBCD financially by bringing your tithes and giving your offerings in the following ways:
Present your tithes and offerings during worship.
**To receive a German tax statement, place your money in an envelope with your name and address written clearly on the outside and put it in the collection.
Make a direct deposit to the church account – information below.
**You will receive a German tax statement if you also indicate your complete name and address.
Receiver (Empfänger): International Baptist Church Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE81 3004 0000 0386 4360 00
Account: 3864 360 00
BLZ: 300 400 00
Bank: Commerzbank Düsseldorf
To make a transfer from a non-German bank please use the international bank account number (IBAN): DE81 3004 0000 0386 4360 00 and the international bank-number (BIC): COBADEFFXXX
You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the following button:
Write your US dollar check using the information below and present it during worship, or mail it directly to International Baptist Church Ministries
International Baptist Church Ministries
P.O. Box 833276
Richardson, Texas
Important (!): Write “For IBC Düsseldorf” on your check
see for further information & details.
**You will receive a US tax statement directly from IBCM to the address printed on your check.
If you have any questions, please contact our treasurer at
Please know that we will gratefully accept your donation as a gift from you and prayerfully consider how to build the work of the Lord.