We have a lot to be thankful for at IBCD! Come and celebrate with us, that our church has been around now already for 30 years – serving as a home away from home for people from many different nations.
Samuel took a stone and set it up . . . and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, “Till now the Lord has helped us.” (1 Samuel 7:12)
In Hebrew, Ebenezer means “stone of help” (eben = stone; ezer = help). Samuel wanted the people to remember, not just for a few days, but for years, for decades, for generations, how God had come to the rescue of his people when they humbled themselves before him.
Throughout the Bible, the Lord reminds people to tell all generations of their LORD’S wonderful works. For us as a church that means we want to remember how God has worked in our lives and in our church. A church that has a strong sense of its history will have a better sense of identity to build on for the future.
On June 18th we want to Thank God together for our congregation, for his provision, and his guidance.
We will be celebrating with a worship service at 10 a.m. followed by a baptism (no 9:30 a.m. service on this day).
We are looking forward to a big international potluck lunch, kids’ activities, and games. God has blessed us with a great outdoor space around our church building and we are hoping for good weather and a great time of fellowship together.
Come and join us!