Jesus & Joseph

Jesus & Joseph, Part 1

Two Lives, One Story



Today we are starting a series on the lives of Jesus and Joseph. The Joseph we are talking about is not the one from the New Testament, but rather one found at the end of the book of Genesis. I don’t think it was just happy coincidence that the adoptive father of Jesus Christ was also named Joseph (who also dreamed important dreams) because in many ways the life of the Old Testament Joseph and the life of Jesus have a familial similarity. Joseph’s life has one of the longest accounts in the Bible and his story is an important prequel to the story of the Exodus, which defines Judaism. So, let’s begin at the beginning where meet Joseph – a favored son and dreamer of destiny.

Genesis 37:3  3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made a richly ornamented robe for him. 




Jesus & Joseph


Jeff Hinman

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