The Gospel of Matthew, Part 20

The Gospel of Matthew, Part 20

Loving Your Enemies



Today we are looking at Jesus’ teaching on loving your enemies. Many of us might not think that we have an “enemy” per say, but most of us have people whose actions or words rob us of our peace of mind. Maybe this is a boss who seems unreasonable, or a family member who has been hurtful, or a friend who has betrayed you. We all have (or have had) people which we would be just fine to never see again or hear from…or even remember. But we do remember…and that’s where we need a new point of view.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
— Matthew 5:43-44




The Gospel of Matthew,
The Sermon on the Mount


Pastor Jeff Hinman

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