“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives,” are words spoken at the start of the soap opera Days of our Lives since its beginning on November 8, 1965. The words are spoken as we watch sand moving from the top of the hourglass to the bottom.
Believe Series
Learning to pray is like going to the gym for the first time. I had a friend in college who wanted me to sign up at a gym and start working out with him. In our first session we started with the bench press. He put a bar on the weight bench. I quickly got under it and said, “I’m ready. Let’s do this!”
Worship can be confusing at times. People say a lot of things about worship. Some say that worship is what happens at a particular building at a particular time. Some say that worship is what you do: sing, pray, take communion and listen to a sermon.
She was sitting about five feet to my right. Dark skin. Maybe ten years old. She was wearing a white dress, a ribbon in her hair, and no shoes on her feet. She had no shoes on her feet but she had a Bible in her lap.
Remember when you owned hardly anything? Life seemed a lot easier then. Parents paid the bills. Food magically appeared on the table. Clothes filled your closet. Then you got a job. You started buying your own things. You purchased your clothes.
It was the spring of 311. Constantine, with 40,000 soldiers behind him, made his way to Rome. His plan was to confront Maxentius whose army was four times the size of his own. That did not deter Constantine. In a vision in the afternoon sky he saw a bright cross with the words “By this sign conquer.”